Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Take note , i've changed my blog url to ,
www.dyingkisses-.blogspot.com (:
Puh-lese , i said puh-lese relink me (:
Thank you , sorry for the inconvenience cause ,
i'll be changing links more . paiseh lehs !

I've changed a blogskin , comments are appreciated (:

Boohoo ! (:
Hello everyone , i'm amanda from sec 2B and here to introduce this particular blog to you . LOL , alright , enough of my craps and nonsense okay . I've stopped blogging since 7th January , so i'll continue from there (:
& people , i've like changed my languageee of here nd there .

8th January 2007

Alright , went to school as usual , so had things and so on . We were like choosing our seats , i mean you know the ' arrangement ' then at first i already sit with alicia , and which she's my kind of good friend lah . then this time , fuk ! because she wanted to sit in the ' second row ' and i wanted that too , then in the end right , no one wants to change with us , and she says , she dont mind sitting with ' quan jie ' so i was like fuk nd i ' diao ' her lah , and give her a damn kind of look . so , there went , everyone says she's like fuk so flirty can . she's such a despo or whichever , soever . okay , whatever i dont wanna talk bad about her =.- but this part of SEATS omg , i really can't stand it ! i'm must vent my anger here , you can choose not to read it or what so ever uh .

omg , i'm like so fuk-ed up alright . ~~~

alright , whatever , so i ended up sitting with brandon )))))))))))))))))))):
i'm totally upset over this or whatever . don't say whatever shit .
emo emo me ))))): oh my goodness , RARRRR ! i need to vent my anger . omgomgomg ~ omfgzzz .

alright , with some chinese dance stuffs .
we had dance practice -.-
danced danced danced .
i'm so sick and tired of being so tired .

okay , continue on with some other days , fuck-ed up .

9th January 2007

Today , now class as usual , today got ' good ' show watch =.- okay , whatever , it dont concern public right ? [: anyway , then erm , so on so on , lessons lah . then after that dance practice and CCA fair rehearsal , next week got again =.- anyway , my band BUDDIES , i mean my GOOOOOOOOOOD BEST friend , are all in band , and so they were watching us , and i was like oh my gawd ! when i see my close friends , i'll laugh and make errors , lucky this time it didn't happen (: yup , i think that's all on today , good bye (:

Tag Replies ! [:

Alison <3: HELLOS ! Thanks for your compliments lah ! Yeah , purple rocks ! hahah , you're in love with purple ? me too ! especially different shades of purple , which makes me go so oh my gawd ! Hahah , anyway , relinked [:
{ / passer-by . }: Erm , thanks for the compliment , and just to inform you , i don't care if you saw it , because i made it myself (:

anyway , to those childish spammers !

Ha ha ha ! ' so funny ' like duh lors , i dont spam please .
childish people , bye (:

Alright , try to blog tmre or so ,
homeworks not done !!
Take Care ! ♥♥♥

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Alright , was here to update once more on project superstar ! bwarhahas ! for last week , i sms-ed for carrie ! & guess what , i didn't manage to sms for daren , as i was out , and i didn't know he's ' M? ' omg luhs . but luckily he was in (: anyway , never mind . people support the handsome guy and the pretty girl ! they're carrie & daren (: SUPPORT THEM ! omgomg ~ going mad uh . paisehs paisehs :x

anyway ,
hope that our

boy champion is daren , chen shi wei &
girl champion is carrie , yang jia ying ! (:
* decided to edit it for dont know what reason ! *

Boohoos ! Everyone (:
I'm finally back to blogging right ?
Hahah , anyway , can't really remember much on these like , two or three weeks ever since i've updated , which is like , so omfg ? alright , anyway , let me try to recall or so okay (:

29th December 2006

Alright , from 29th-31st , i was in genting , cam-whored quite alot , and also had alot of fun over there , hahah , went to play those so omfg games , and i screamed like an insane okay ! so omg luhs ! anyway , went to play one game , which i LOVE it alot , is the huge huge huge pirate ship ! omg , it's new and bigger then alot of countries ! hahah , firstly it swung at a slow and low speed , and when there's this ' zoom ' sound , each time it went higher and higher , and i went omfg ! omg , from on top and it swung down , it's like your whole heart fly down luhs ! i screamed and screamed luhs , together with my cousins and all . my uncle took some pictures of it , but i'm not posting it up hahah . anyway , sat alot of different rides , but can't possibly list them all down right . i think , that's all for the trip to genting (:

1st January 2007

A very HAPPY NEW YEAR to each and everyone of you people !
i went over to changi chalet , as my nephew is celebrating his very own one year old birthday ! omg , ryan is so cute lah ! we went swimming , and in the swimming pool , i screamed like a mad women luh ! went to play here and there , played ' ban lat ' too , won money ! hahah , was damn happy . anyway , then at around 9pm in the night , almost all the invited guest arrived , and so the so called ' cutting cake ceremony ' started (: the cake was a huge elmo lah ! so cute can ? hahah , it's VERY delicious alright . nice nice nice ! then , went fooling around , arcades and so on , then went home at around 2am ? then bathed and went to bed .

2nd January 2007

Stayed at home and packed things for the next day , as it was first day of school . then joey called up , she told me she needed to buy school shoes from jurong point , so accompanied her there , then she bought the ' north star ' one , we ate pizza hut , i had ' hawaiian pizza ' while she got her ' chicken supreme pizza ' it's very very delicious ! then shopped around in popular , i bought some pens for school use , and also plastic covers for books , and after that , at around 3plus , took bus to joey house , fooled around in her house and after that walked home . then started rotting , slept at around 11 plus .

3rd January 2007

First day of school ! Had a new principle called ' mr shawal ' , and man ! he's so strict alright , even a ' strand ' of side burns also cannot =.- uniform , his expectations is PERFECT , well got new uniform , so it OUGHT to be perfect , socks he didn't mention much . so socks mine is ankle length , muarhahas ! so on so on , speech , he given , and blah blah . anyway , feeling of being a senior is so good ! bwarhahas ! those sec ones are so stupid , i mean one or a few , our new uniform is meant to be , tucked out , some of them tuck it in =.- anyway , never mind . took new time table , first subject i see is MATHS , teacher MRS GAN ! and i went OMGOMGOMG ! mrs gan is my teacher . omg ~ i'm so happy YYYYYYYYYYY
She's so cool ! omgomg ! anyway , enough of my nonsense , i'm going mad again .

4th January 2007

same thing , school school school ! school rocks !

5th January 2007

same thing , school school school ! it rocks big time !
anyway , i bought a digital camera and mp5 !

6th January 2007
down with FLU and SORE THROAT !
rarrrrr -.-

7th January 2007
still down , with blocked nose ,
but i feel much more better and normal alrdy (:
rotted at home for the whole day .

anyway , in a state of

won't be blogging too often ,
when i'm free , i'll come online and blog .
as i want to go to 3B next year , i've got to be extremely hardworking in order to get into this particular good class ! ' A ' maths is what i aiming for !

changed skin , comments comments ~
they're much well pretty appreciated !
omg alright (:

Replies of tags ! [:

tiewtian : Alright , will link you up . and also , happy new year too ! take care , with loves !
shopFACE : Alright , if i have the time , because i don't go online shopping now .
JILING : Hello , yes yes ! hahas , love my sunshine jie loads (:
huiishii : Linked you up !
joey : Hahah ! saw saw !
Jermin! : Hahah , loves loves too ! Take care !
LK : Depends , will try my best to .
purrhaps : Omg , i'm not chio , hahah ! alright , will try to :D
Stefanie : Stefanie ! Cutie , MERRY CHRISTMAS , plus new year too !
ANGEL : Hey , chio bu ! i'm not chio , you're more , HOHO MERRY X'MAS TOO !
MV : Alright , will try to one .
glam garden : haha , alright , but i'm not interested in anything .
Stefanie : Hahah , my school's rocking (: hahas , how's yours ? i'll take care , you too !

* erms , those tags on online shopping blogs , i'll be deleting all those ! *
& to spammers , spam for all you want , i'll just delete them , dont said i'm humji or whatever , i just can't stand childish people like you people , so kindly shut up and goodbye (:

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Hahah , i'm in school now !
D&T lesson , fun fun !
learning to make MOVIES oh ,
LOL , alright , anyway , got time table ,
list of teachers :D

Class Mentor:Miss Tan Pei Ru
English: Mr Nick Ang
Maths: Mrs Gan Seok Jean ! YYYYY
Higher Mother Tongue: Should be ' XIE LAOSHI ' again bah , so lame =.-
Science: Mdm Rohani
History: Mdm Nuraida
Geography: Ms/Mrs Ng , forgot lehs .
Art: Miss Christine Lee ( Chio one hor )
LV: Mdm Gathri
D&T: Mr Woo/Mr Asta

Hahah , okay bye !
Teachers' here =.-

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Hey people ! Gonna post when i come back from GENTING !
I'm taking off tmre (: and and and , ue know what ?
it's early in the morning luhs , sian sian sian , planning not thu sleep
tonight , gonna play comp till day break-s , chat with joey on phone luhs ,
if i never sleep then can at bus sleep mah , so lidat luhs , hahah , alright ,
i'll take photos and upload em` alright (:

miss me (:

Friday, December 22, 2006

I've not been updating my blog for a few days .
There's many events in this few days ,
i seriously dosen't have anytime to use the computer .

18 December :

I buy very little things only .
went out with my mum , and auntie over to lavender ,
to take my newly done passport , as my old one was
expired already , so mum got mine done .
As the next stop was bugis , my mum decided to
bring me and my sis , together with my aunt , to bugis ,
to shop , so went there , went to eat at the foodcourt ,
ate the malay stall , it's chicken very very very nice !
Then , after that , they decided not to go over to bugis street ,
and go home instead , when it's only 4 plus , i was totally pissed ,
and so , i gave all my sucking attitude . then , my mum was kind of
kind , she allow me to go jurong point to shop . so me , my mum
and my sis went there to shop for awhile , and so i manage to bought
some things , it's damn nice !
I love it !

Things I Bought :
Mickey Jacket ( Black )
Mickey Tee ( White & Pink )
Mickey Off Shoulder Tee ( White & Pink )

19 December :

It was 6C's gathering , but it was
unsucessful due to the stupid rain .
the venue was sentosa ,
and it was a chalet , dhendhens , because of the
stupid idiot rain , the gathering was cancelled !
damn it ! whatever alright , then was planning to
go out with jermin ai ai , in the end cannot ,
because still got slight rain , plus i got no money and
things lidat , so cannot go . T.T
So no choice but to stay at home rot !
okay , whatever , it sucks !
but one thing !
It's our fourth month ~
woots ~
shuang daoooo~

20 December :
The day i'm waiting for !
Finally arrived ~
Band concert !
Ampio musica ! Is totally ROCKS DAOOOOOOOO ~
Totally love it okay !
Woke up at 11.30am , slacked at bed till 12pm
then woke up and prepared , meeting stephanie
at 3.30pm to go bugis before heading to victoria ,
Prepared , i bathed , hair dry my hair , things like that ,
prepare my hairstyle for the day and then i go change ,
after changing , i make up , because it's a BIGBIGBIG
ceremony for our school , so must make up , if not too simple ,
so , okay , after that used the comp for awhile and set off
to jurong point to meet steph , and i was like , totally PAISEH ,
pls luhs , she keep talking to her primary school friend ,
then i was like totally pangseh ? she keep asking her primary
school friend to ignore my nonsense =.-
like duhs , i didn't even have any nonsense except for telling
her that i saw weixiang , alex and tanhao ? she's so lame !
then we went to take mrt , okay ! i really regretted going out
with her , with the presence of her primary school friend ,
it totally SUCKS ! okay whatever =.-
when we reached the theatre , okay , it's like so grand ,
i totally in love with our school band !
mrs gan was like chio daooooooo ~
okay , whatever , going mad again .
The concert ended at 10plus ,
then dad came to fetch me :D

21 December :

Hmm , went out with mum .
Bugis street ^^
me and joey shopped ourselves ,
while , mum , aunt and sis shopped themselves ,
bought some things .

Bought :

Black tube top ,
Dark purple tube top ,
Denim Jeans skirt ,
Knee Length Socks .

anyway , that's the end ,
today rotted at home .

alright , good bye : D

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Boo ! (:

Hello , everyone ! I'm back to blogging .
Hahah , let me blog on some things okay .

15 December :

Hahah , i finally got the chance to go out with ,
Teo Yingyan ! zomg ?! she's so tall alright .
okay , anyway , we shopped around Jurong point =.-
But actually shopping around with her is so fun okay !
she's so chio , dua chio bu i can say . we walked around ,
then yingyan says she wanted to go to , mos burger to
eat something , then she treated me strawberries lah !
damn nice okay ! she ate one and i ate two (:
thank you yingyan ! she drank iced lemon tea too .
in the end she regretted T.T

so , we shopped around , many shops .
we went to courts and bump into angel ,
while taking a look at those phones ,
then , while we're in toy 'R' us , we bumped into angel again .
LOL , angel is not as tall as last time , because last time ,
she seems SOOOOOO tall to me , during primary 4 ,
but now , okay bahs , yingyan is taller , =.-
zomg okay ! anyway , angel is chio :D
shopped shopped shopped , as we were waiting for ,
mandy and yuping to proceed to pioneer mall for studying ,
and tmd , mandy cheong dont want to come =.-
damn alright , we waited for SO many hours , and tell me dont want to
come , freak off alright , never mind .
then yingyan came over thu mye house ,
did some internet stuffs , blogging , things lidat .
and at about 3 plus , yingyan went off :D
I seriously enjoy th day alot alot ALOT with yingyan !

* P.S yingyan ! let's go out thu bugis next time :D

16 December :

Officially announced , 1B's bbq is cancelled ,
we've decided to bring the bbq to next year's june holiday ,
which we wont be only having bbq but also , we'll be having
a CLASS CHALET :D which i think will be damn damn fun (:
so yup , teachers , be sure to be there [:

* P.S sorry gwt [:

I'm gonna said something (:
That is ,
I'm freakingly in love with ;

Crowns , Softtoy turtles , Polkadots ,
Stripes , Retro , Vintage !

Zomg ! Don't ever let me see that ,
i'm gonna get mad (:

see , the underline words rhymes :D
hahah , i'm so good at poem ,
which means i'm good in literature ,
bwarhahas ! i'm evil (:
=.- i'm so retarded .

Gonna post more later alright .

Replies Of Tags :

FIONA [:: Of course i do remember ue as a cousin (:
but , puh-lese don't make problems come alright , there's some
so called ' wu jie ' in our family or between cousins to cousins ,
alright , and this word ' **** ' had make bad relationship between
us , ue people accusing me of using that particular word on ue ,
so yup , to prevent from another ' wu jie ' or so called accusement ,
i shall not add ue in msn , that's it , pls don't visit mye blog again (:

♡ meihua: Greentea ! <33
Hahah , okay okay , sure will tag ue often dhers , i tagged ue
liao right . haha ! thanks for tagging 3 tags for me too :D
amandagreentea hearts meihuagreentea (:
wo ai ni !

ANGEL: Valentine ! Hahas , thanks wors ,
you this chio bu (: take care .

yingyann: Yeah , hello tall girl ,
i love ue alright (:

ricia: Kindly take a look at th class blog (:


stefanie: Thanks thanks thanks !

Jeramy: Hello , thanks for tagging sia ,
so kind siakkk . Take care (:

steph<333: Hey steph , alright ,
shall link ue up as soon as possible (: love you too !

vivian: I love my xiaokeai lots lots lots too !

Alright , replied of tags .

urm , next will be listing down of people i love and miss
currently :D

Esther baobei crownie
Michelle baobei noodles
Jermin baobei aiai
Jiarou baobei baobei xingan
Yingyan darling
Heather baobei pretty pie
Meihua baobei greentea
Jiling baobei sunshine
Shihui baobei lover
Shuxiang baobei queenie
Vivian baobei xiaokeai

If ue're not listed , dont be sad ,
because there are more ,
but i'm lazy to list more down T.T

Listing up of what i'll be doing for
th next few weeks (:

18 December - Going out shopping with mum , gonna make
her pocket broke a hole for sure T.T

19 December - * & 6c's gathering (:

20 December - Band concerto ! Mrs gan sia , i'm gonna go mad ! :DDDD

21 - 24 December - Shopping like mad , window shopping ?

25 December - Maybe going out with Jiarou xingan <3

26 and 27 December - urms , yingyan's coming over or we go
shopping together .

28 December - Chinese Dance (:
Zomg , talking about chinese dance ,
i completely forgotten those dance steps ,
but ' sotong sotong ' i still remember some bahs .

29 - * December - Genting , will be enjoying in genting ,
people miss me ! people miss me ! (:

1 & 2 December - Gonna go out with friends ,
i think call Jermin , michelle or esther ,
either one to go shopping with me ,
maybe call heather or jiarou ,
i want buy new things for school ((((:

3 December - Schoool ! I miss Jurongville alot alot alot (:
I love it ! Finally , ' deng dao lerhs ' can see mrs gan everyday lerhs

Okay , no more (:
Take care people !
Blogging more later on ?
Maybe only hurs .
Take care ohs .

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Okay , not gonna post much ,
post tomorrow okays .

urm , blogging in th middle of th night ,
then is secretly dher luhs ,
gonna blog into details and reply tags tomorrow ,

take care people !